

The 后 social media guidelines were originally developed by the University of Michigan and have been edited and revised for the PG电子APP community. We thank our colleagues at the University of Michigan for sharing them with us and giving us permission to adopt and modify them for PG电子APP.

The rapid growth of social media technologies combined with their ease of use and pervasiveness make them attractive channels of communication. 然而,这些工具也有可能产生一系列意想不到的后果. 为了帮助您识别和避免潜在的问题,我们编制了这些指导方针. They are examples of best practices from various institutions and are intended to help you understand, 从广泛的角度来看, 参与社交媒体的影响.



允许您与他人在线交互的应用程序(例如.g., 脸谱网, LinkedIn, 推特)需要你仔细考虑加好友的含义, 链接, 后, 或者接受另一个人的请求. 例如, there is the potential for misinterpretation of the relationship or the potential of sharing protected information. 比如师生关系, supervisor-subordinate and 工作人员-student merit close consideration of the implications and the nature of the social interaction. 以下是在这些情况下应遵循的一些指导原则.


PG电子APP利用社交媒体来补充传统的新闻和营销工作. Employees and students are encouraged to share College news and events that are a matter of public record with their family and friends. Linking straight to the information source is an effective way to help promote the 任务 of PG电子APP and build a community.

When you are using social media for personal purposes and might be perceived as an agent/expert of PG电子APP, you need to make sure it is clear to the audience that you are not representing the position of the College or PG电子APP policy. While the guidelines below apply to those instances where there is the potential for confusion about your role as a PG电子APP agent/expert versus personal opinion, 在所有的社交媒体互动中都要记住它们. 在社交媒体网站上发帖时,你应该:


不要让你的网络社交网络对PG电子APP或你自己造成伤害, 无论你是在工作中还是下班后浏览这些网络.


如果你的信息内容不适合面对面的交流, 通过电话, 或者在另一种媒介中, 这对于社交网站来说是不可接受的. 问问你自己, would I want to see this published in the newspaper or posted on a billboard tomorrow or 10 years from now?


您个人对您在博客上发布的内容负责, 维基百科, 或任何其他形式的用户生成内容. 个人博客被要求对被视为侵犯版权的评论负责, 诽谤, 专有的, 诽谤性或淫亵性(由法院界定).


The line between professional and personal business is sometimes blurred; be thoughtful about your posting’s content and potential audiences and be honest about your identity. 在个人职位上, 你可以表明自己是PG电子APP的一名教员, 工作人员, 学生或社区成员. 然而, 请明确你是作为个人分享你的观点, 而不是作为PG电子APP的代表. 如果你认为自己是PG电子APP社区的一员, ensure your profile and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues.


如果你加入了一个社交网络,确保你提供了有价值的见解. Don’t hijack the discussion and redirect by posting self-/organizational-promoting information. Self-promoting behavior is viewed negatively and can lead to you being banned from websites or groups.


没有所谓的“私人”社交媒体网站. 搜索引擎可以在发布日期几年后显示帖子和图片. 评论可以转发或复制. 即使你删除了一个帖子,归档系统也会保存信息. 如果你对某件事感到愤怒或充满激情, 在你冷静和头脑清醒之前,推迟发帖是明智的. Only post pictures that you would be comfortable sharing with the general public (current and future peers, 雇主, 等.). 越来越多的雇主在提供工作机会之前会在网上搜索求职者. Be mindful that what you publish will be public for a long time—be sure that what you post today will not come back to haunt you.


如果你在评论中表明你与PG电子APP的关系, 读者可能会把你和学院联系在一起, 即使免责声明你的观点是你自己的. Remember that you’re most likely to build a high-quality 后 if you discuss ideas and situations civilly. 不要在网上挑拨是非.


不要使用种族歧视, 个人的侮辱, 淫秽, 或从事任何在PG电子APP社区不被接受的行为. You should also show proper consideration for others’ privacy and for topics that may be considered sensitive, 比如政治和宗教. You are more likely to achieve your goals if you are constructive and respectful while discussing a bad experience or disagreeing with a concept or person.


如果你犯了错误,就承认它. 及时纠正你的错误. 如果你在博客上发帖, 你可以选择修改之前的帖子,但要清楚地表明你已经这样做了.


Most people who maintain social media sites welcome comments—it builds credibility and community. 然而, you may be able to set your site so that you can review and approve comments before they appear. 这允许您及时回复评论. It also allows you to delete spam comments and block any individuals who repeatedly post offensive or frivolous comments.


而你应该对自己诚实, 不要提供骗子或身份窃贼可能使用的个人信息. 不要列出你的家庭住址或电话号码. 创建一个单独的电子邮件地址是一个好主意,只用于社交媒体网站.


永远不要假装成别人. 追踪工具可以追踪到所谓的匿名帖子的作者.


If you publish content to any website outside of PG电子APP and it has something to do with the work you do or subjects associated with PG电子APP, use a disclaimer such as this: “The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the PG电子APP positions, 策略或意见.”

A common practice among individuals who write about the industry in which they work is to include a disclaimer on their site, 通常在他们的“PG电子APP我”页面上. 如果你在自己的社交网站上讨论高等教育, 我们建议你加入一个类似这样的句子:“在这个[博客]上表达的观点, 网站]是我个人的观点,并不一定反映PG电子APP的观点.” This is particularly important if you could be perceived to be in a leadership role at PG电子APP.


不要用PG电子APP的校徽, 相对, 或您个人网站上的任何其他PG电子APP标志或图像. 不要使用PG电子APP的名字来推广或认可任何产品, 导致, 或政党或候选人. 请联系市场营销部PG电子APP的标志和商标准则.


填写我的 在线表单.