Note to Parents

对于家长/照顾者和学生来说,进入大学的过渡可能是令人兴奋和紧张的, simultaneously. 在这个过渡时期,父母或看护人可能不再每天都在身边支持他们的学生, 尽管如此,他们仍然是学生支持系统中不可或缺的一部分. 家长/照顾者和学生如何协商和接受这些变化是一种增进关系的经历,还是对学生来说是一个额外的压力源. 在考虑如何帮助自己的孩子成为一名成功的大学生时,我们邀请父母和照顾者反思以下几点建议.

  • 提醒自己,到目前为止,你是一个多么优秀的家长或照顾者. 你给他们的爱和他们从你那里学到的技能已经为他们的大学生活做好了准备. Although you may be worried about how well they are adjusting, 让你的学生自己整理细节是非常重要的,因为他们从依赖你到更加自力更生.
  • Communicate with your student. Since you know your student better than others, it is normal to see changes in their moods or behaviors. Talk with them about these changes. 以一种沟通理解的方式倾听他们的想法和感受. Even though your student may be showing signs of change, it does not necessarily mean they are in distress.
  • Be your student’s adviser, not their problem-solver. 问一些问题,帮助他们形成自己的想法,如何度过危机. 鼓励他们通过与他们交谈来解决自己的问题,而不是对他们说. When they can manage the crisis in a manner that empowers them, 他们成年后更有可能再次这样做,下次也更有可能寻求你的帮助.

Signs of Significant Distress

同样,你的学生在大学里经历新的压力源是很常见和正常的. While these stressors may lead to occasional or temporary discomfort, the behaviors listed below may indicate cause for concern, 尤其是当学生表现出以上一种行为时:

  • Drastic decline in academic performance
  • Excessive absences from class
  • Failure to complete assignments
  • Persistent signs of depression (sad mood; listlessness; lack of energy; weight loss/gain; withdrawal; excessive crying)
  • Extreme mood changes or inappropriate expression of emotions
  • Preoccupation with food or body image
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, irritability
  • Aggressive or threatening behavior; homicidal threats
  • References to suicide or talk of death, hopelessness or helplessness

Guidelines for Responding

  • Avoid criticizing or judging your student
  • 用“我”来表达关心,关注你注意到的或你的感受
  • Know your limits; parents and caregivers can do a lot to help their student but sometimes professional help is needed
  • 鼓励您的学生通过校园成功中心(402)552-2695与个人顾问预约. 许多学生都不愿与我们联系,但我们会与学生见面,讨论各种不同的问题. 如果我们确定你的学生的心理健康需求超出了我们的服务范围, 我们可以帮助他们与社区中的其他专业人士建立联系.

Keep in Mind…

Confidentiality is an important piece of the counseling relationship. 作为家长/看护人,你不知道你的学生在咨询中与我们分享了什么,这似乎很奇怪, 保密是为了帮助学生与辅导员建立一种信任的关系. 除非学生允许辅导员与他人分享信息, we are prohibited by law to do so.

虽然我们不允许在未经允许的情况下将学生的信息泄露给任何人, we can certainly take information from anyone. 如果您对您的学生有任何疑问,请随时咨询我们的辅导员.

Students are challenged with managing a new schedule, 做的功课, developing new friendships, and getting involved with campus life. 尊重他们的时间,让他们完成所有这些事情,让他们知道你对他们有信心. 你可以相信,当你和你的学生的关系正在修改, it is not being severed. 如果您有PG电子APP如何在PG电子APP就读期间最好地支持您的学生的问题,请不要犹豫与我们联系.

(经内布拉斯加大学科尔尼咨询公司许可,信息共享 & 卫生保健.)

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