PG电子APP works with Arbor Family Counseling to offer students confidential short-term individual counseling sessions with a licensed counselor on campus. The details and course of counseling are worked out collaboratively by the student and the counselor. Short-term counseling allows the student to work on immediate concerns and, 通常, come to a resolution. An appropriate referral may be made for further counseling or therapeutic services.

Common concerns addressed in counseling include:

  • 压力
  • 抑郁症
  • 网络欺凌
  • 低自尊
  • 药物 & 酒精问题
  • 添加 & 注意力缺陷多动症
  • 考试焦虑
  • 悲伤
  • 家庭冲突
  • Communication problems
  • 饮食失调
  • Self-destructive behaviors

24-hour availability
除了, through our partnership with Arbor Family Counseling, assistance is available 24 hours a day for students. Professional counselors are available at 1.800.922.7379 for students who need to talk with someone immediately and/or who want to make an appointment.